Terms and Conditions

Any walks which you take (whether as a pedestrian or by any other means of transport) using our Audiotraveler audiotours are undertaken entirely at your own risk. Audiotraveler does not accept any responsibility for your personal safety, or for any loss or damage you may suffer whilst using the audio-tours.

All Audiotraveler audio-tours are carefully planned so that at no point along any route should the listener be walking and listening at the same time.

Directions to each point are given at the start of each track, or on a map supplied with the player and always include the instruction to pause the player before setting off.

Every effort is made tocross roadsonly at designated pedestrian crossings, when lights and traffic permit.

You are strongly advised to take out an appropriate travel insurance policy before undertaking an audiotour.

We shall have no liability to you for any defect or failure of the audio-tour if the defect or failure arises from any alteration made to the audio-tour by you or any third party, any breach by you of these terms, or use of the audio-tour with incompatible hardware.

All information on the audio-tour is to the best of our knowledge correct at the time of recording. However we do not provide any assurance that you will be able to access all or any part of the route, or any attractions or venues referred to in the audio-tour, due to the possibility of unexpected building works, route closures and any control over pedestrian traffic by the authorities.

We also do not accept any liability for any changes or events which occur after the recording of the audio-tours.